Our Vision

To develop well-rounded, confident and responsible children and encourage them to achieve their full potential in a safe and happy learning environment.

Our Mission

To provide the total development of each child: moral,intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual and social that will enable him/her to lead and thrive in the 21st century and beyond.

Our Core Values

E- EXCELLENCE Stay curious and strive for the best.

B-BOLDNESS We aim to produce bold and confident children and eventually adults.

E- ENTHUSIASM We bring positive, high energy to our work.

K- KNOWLEDGE We guide children to acquire the knowledge and learning skills needed to thrive.

S- SERVICE Working for the benefit of our community and the world at large. OUR CORE VALUES

School bus

School Bus service runs within and outside Greenville estate. Kindly contact the school admin for details if you are interested in this service for your wards.



Our music room has variety of instruments including Piano, violins, flutes, drum set etc.

Above Ground Swimming Pool

Above ground swimming pool is available within the school premises for swimming practice. Scheduled outdoor visits to swimming locations is done several times termly.


Well equipped ICT laboratory to prepare our pupils for technology skills needed for the 21st century and beyond

Well-equipped Playground

The benefits of play when learning can never be over-emphasized. We have a child-friendly and well-equipped playground for our pupils of all age.